Traditional Thai Massage
How does a Thai massage differ from a Swedish massage?
Swedish massage and Deep Tissue Massage are very familiar offerings at all local therapeutic massage studios. Swedish massage involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. Swedish massage is often very relaxing. Deep tissue massage gives attention to certain painful, stiff "trouble spots" in your body. The massage therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep under your skin. Both of these types of massages are performed on a massage table and the therapist uncovers only the part of the body he/she is working on, a technique called draping, During these massages, you are generally nude or you may wear an undergarment underneath a towel or sheet.
Why you should try a Thai massage!
Thai massage is performed on a comfortable floor mat without using oils. You are fully clothed in yoga or workout clothing that allows your body to move and bend. Muscular tension and fatigue are reduced and a general sense of ease and peace is notably increased by using yoga-style stretches with deep compressions, acupressure techniques along with energy points or sen lines, and the full range of motion for joints. The therapist uses her whole body: hands, feet, knees, legs, and arms during a Thai massage. She may even "walk" on your back. Deep pressure offers grounding and release of hamstrings and gluteal muscles. The goal of a Thai Massage is to bring balance back into your body by releasing tension in your physical body as well as your energy body. You will feel balanced after a Thai Massage; neither too tired nor too energized. You may experience sore muscles the day following a Thai massage, as you would with any deep bodywork.
Thai massage is for every body.
Unlike some forms of massage, whereby you assume a few positions throughout the session, the Thai massage often moves you through several poses. You may lie on your back, stomach, sides, and even sit on the mat. A truly comprehensive Thai massage will have you go through all these positions to ensure that all muscles are massaged.
Thai massage can easily adapt to your pressure and comfort needs. Side-lying is always an option for anyone who is uncomfortable or unable to lie face down.
People who are affected by Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, and more find Thai massage helpful.
From marathon runners to pregnancy, Thai massage offers bodywork for everyone.

“Liz was outstanding. My Thai massage completely reset my body and opened up blocked channels. I would highly recommend Liz and Carolina Healing Arts.”