Finding your teachers
How do you find your teachers?
Sometimes, my teachers just show up and it's left up to me to engage them and figure it out. Sometimes, I went out and looked for a teacher. Sometimes, teachers are people and sometimes, they are events in your life.
I looked at 3 options for massage schools close to my home. I visited all 3. I took a tour and chatted to the administrators and other students if I was able. I made my choice based on location, schedule, and where I thought I would receive the best education for my money.
When it came to my Thai massage training, I did a similar thing. I researched online - I LOVE researching online! I looked much further than my local area because I wanted training that would prepare me to practice Thai massage.
Thai massage training was more than just filling my required CE units for license renewal, it was something I wanted to practice. I think that makes a big difference. Choosing based on the outcome. Some classes are for fun, some classes to just meet the CE requirement - you know, the last-minute online ethics course you always take 🙄!
And some training you search around to find the best fit because you want the education 📚
You want to learn and grow as a therapist. That was the training I was looking for... I decided on the Thai Institute in Arlington VA because they offered a 5 day basic, and a 5 day intermediate as well as advanced classes, internships and practice opportunities. It was a robust school. I took a weekend foot massage class to meet the teacher and check out the school. Once I had that comfort level, I signed up for a 2-week course.
Yes, it was a BIG investment! 2 weeks in Arlington VA, and a big chunk of money.
Luckily, I had friends who let me stay with them and I could take the train from North DC to Arlington.
It was exciting, exhausting, overwhelming and I loved every moment of that training!
I have zero regrets about the cost or the time investment. It created my business. The training started a journey that I am still pursuing. It piqued my curiosity and excitement to learn more and I have been learning about Thai massage ever since that first class.
What are you looking for? Fulfilling the requirement? Fun? Cheap? Education?
How do you choose your CE?
⏳ Count down:
6 weeks
Watch for exciting news coming soon!