Thai massage | Cupping | Continuing education with Liz Kriz

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Thai massage certification

Does it matter to be certified?

Do you care? Is it a big deal?

Some continuing ed courses will offer you a certification. They give you a certificate of completion. Not only did you complete the in-class coursework, perhaps you did some outside case studies or documented practice sessions. Then, at completion, they gave you a certificate.

Now you are certified in that type of bodywork!

So what is certification?

In reality, it's just a piece of paper that says you have some qualifications. It looks nice on your wall. Clients can see it and you can publish your certification on your website. It’s good resume value.

Is it necessary?

No, you didn't need to be certified in anything, you only need to follow your state's licensure laws. Supposedly, your education at massage school prepared you enough to work as a massage therapist. Did it really prepare you? Sorta and not much is often the case. But you can practice massage legally.

For specialties, it’s another story.
If I really want to specialize in something, it would seem necessary to get some further education. For the integrity of the massage therapist, you would get deeper training in your specialty.

Is it required by the state board of licensure? No.

Should you ask your therapist about their training? Probably
I am very particular about who I get a massage from. I know the damage that can be done by untrained therapists.
You can hurt people.

Is it necessary legally to be certified? No

Is it ethically responsible? Yes

Is this a specialty that you want to practice and have competence in and gain a good reputation? If Yes, then certification from a knowledgeable, reputable therapist who practices that specialty themselves is very necessary.