Thai massage | Cupping | Continuing education with Liz Kriz

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Choose your life

Choose how you want to live your life
Choose where and with whom to live your life
All these choices are circulating around in my mind because I just got back from a trip to Florida.
Where do I want to live and how do I want to live?

I experience a small taste of a lifestyle that I found very appealing. Outdoors, sunshine, riding my bike, music at night, yoga classes to attend. It was very appealing.

For a good portion of my life, others have chosen the path for me.
Parent’s choose
Friends choose
Spouses choose
Kids choose

All these pulls to choose one way or another.
How do you choose?
Is it a conscious choice? A negotiation with a partner?
For the best schools for your kids?

For me, the real question is who’s path? Yours? Their’s? Societies?
The well-worn path.
But does that fit? It didn’t for me.

I tried the corporate job path
A public school teacher path
An entrepreneurial path - several of them in fact!

Now, I have a business that I truly enjoy. Now I am steering my own path.
Yet, I still look down my own path to make sure it still is the one I enjoy walking.
I ask myself... Does anything need to shift? How are my hours? My finances? My energy?
Do I want to add or subtract anything?

If you have worked with me for the last few years, I am sure you have noticed some large changes - moving offices! Changing massage offering! Other things too like my hours and workdays.

I keep adapting as life needs to adapt - 2020 taught us all a ton about adapting! For the good and the tough stuff too.

The joy of self-employment is that you can make your work any way that suits you! It took me a while to figure that out!! Haha but it’s brilliant once you realize you can make your business work for you. You can be successful and profitable while creating a lifestyle that truly suits you.

Keep asking questions and keep shifting. Make your life suits your preferences and needs.

Classes, mentoring, and web design are now available for future and existing entrepreneurs.